Greenville Alimony Lawyer

When you separate from your spouse and seek a divorce, you may be worried about your financial security. Some households are supported primarily or only by one spouse’s income, so a divorce may leave you without significant income of your own. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. 

If you’re seeking a divorce and you need spousal support, or alimony, to cover the costs of living, your Greenville alimony lawyer is here to help. At Sarah Henry Law, we know how difficult it can be to get the support you need during this time. An expert Greenville Divorce lawyer at Sarah Henry Law can help you deal with the discrete details of your case and seek the financial support you need. 

Alimony: Spousal Support May Not End When a Marriage Does

When a couple divorces, one spouse may have been working, while the other did not. In your case, you may have been a stay-at-home parent or a caretaker of an elderly or disabled relative, or you may have attended to household tasks. In these cases, you may not have worked for years, if ever, outside the home. 

Because of that, you may have neither the skill set needed to get a job right away nor the income to support yourself following a divorce. That leaves you in a vulnerable position and with a serious change in your quality of life. 

Alimony is meant to protect you from these situations. Alimony is a series of payments from your former spouse that should provide support during this period of change. It may be an important part of maintaining your independence when you and your spouse informally separate or formally divorce. 

It’s important to note that alimony is different from child support. Even if you are a working parent, you may be due child support. Alimony is meant to support you after a divorce. Seeking a lawyer with experience in these practice areas can help you get the funds you’re due to support yourself. 

How Is Alimony Determined in South Carolina Courts?

Alimony doesn’t necessarily last forever. Your alimony agreement will depend on the details of your divorce and your life. How does the court decide how long your alimony agreement will last? 

Often, this depends on your ability to seek work and how long it would take you to rejoin the workforce. Let’s say you were a nurse but quit years ago to be a stay-at-home parent. You may now need to be retrained before you rejoin the workforce. Your alimony agreement should cover this time. 

But in other cases, you may have a disability that prevents you from working or you may be of retirement age. If you’re unable to support yourself, your alimony payments may last until you remarry or until your life situation changes. Your lawyer can help you fight for the alimony agreement that best meets your needs following your divorce. 

The Different Types of Alimony You May Receive in a Greenville Divorce

When seeking alimony, the details of your specific case matter. Your lawyer will review the details of your case and why you need alimony. From there, your lawyer will work with you to help you gather evidence for the type of alimony you’re due. If you don’t know what to expect, you may have an issue getting the coverage you’re due. 

Below are the four types of alimony your lawyer may seek for you during your case: 

  • Permanent Periodic Alimony – This type of alimony sets up payments for a period of time until remarriage. That means you’ll receive these payments as long as you’re unable to support yourself and you don’t have a spouse. 
  • Rehabilitative Alimony – This alimony is meant to help the spouse without job experience to get the education and training needed. For example, if you were once working in the medical field but quit, your alimony payments may cover the cost of re-certification and training. 
  • Lump Sum Alimony – This alimony payment is made in a lump, finite sum, though it can be spread out over time. Unlike some other forms of alimony, it’s not impacted by remarriage and may continue until the death of either spouse. 
  • Reimbursement Alimony – Depending on the circumstances of your relationship and divorce, the judge may determine that you’re due a portion of the future earnings of your former spouse. Talk to your lawyer if you think you’re due these payments but the court isn’t offering what you’re owed. 

Can South Carolina Alimony Orders Be Modified if Circumstances Change?

Life can change suddenly, whether you’re the one seeking alimony or you’re the spouse who must provide alimony. When something changes, you may need to speak with a Greenville alimony attorney at  Sarah Henry Law about your next steps. 

For example, your former spouse may have lost their job. In these cases, the amount they’re able to pay may change drastically. Or you’re paying alimony but have recently taken a job that pays less, making it difficult or impossible for you to meet the payments you’re expected to make. 

That’s where an alimony lawyer in Greenville can help you recover. Your lawyer can gather evidence that your alimony agreement needs to change, and they can represent you in court when your court date arrives. 

Common Questions Our Clients Have About Greenville Alimony

Alimony can be a difficult payment to calculate. Your quality of life may depend on these payments, but every case is different, and free advice from online sources may even be contradictory. 

Your alimony lawyer from Sarah Henry Law can help you get the answers you need. Until you speak to your lawyer, below are a few of our most common questions so you know what you can expect from our firm. 

How Long Will I Have to Pay My Spouse Alimony in South Carolina?

The length of your alimony agreement depends on the details of your situation. For example, if your former spouse remarries after your divorce, a Greenville judge may determine that you no longer have to pay your spouse alimony. 

In other situations, alimony payments may go on for decades or life. Your lawyer can help you calculate the impact of alimony payments, reducing yours where possible to give you the best possible quality of life following a divorce. 

Can Adultery Affect Potential Alimony Payments?

Yes, adultery may impact your alimony agreement, potentially ending the payments entirely. If your former spouse committed adultery before the formal order for spousal maintenance was signed, the alimony payments may be denied. 

If you suspect your spouse isn’t faithful, reach out to a Greenville alimony attorney. They can help you determine whether your spouse was unfaithful and whether that has impacted your case. 

What Happens if My Ex-Spouse Doesn’t Make Their Alimony Payments?

Not getting the payments you’re due can be stressful, and in some cases, it can feel like your former spouse is acting out of spite. The good news is that with a lawyer on your side you don’t have to just accept missing payments. 

If your former spouse was ordered to pay alimony to you,  but they refuse to pay, you and your lawyer can present evidence to the court that they’re failing to pay. The judge may then hold them in contempt which can have not just financial consequences but legal consequences. 

Get the Guidance You Need from a Dedicated Greenville Alimony Lawyer Today

When you’re dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, you may be in dire financial straits. If your spouse supported your household before, the lack of funds may make life difficult on your own. Alimony is supposed to alleviate those difficulties, but it’s not always easy to get answers on your own. 

At Sarah Henry Law, we’re dedicated to helping people like you get the support you need when seeking alimony. Our Greenville alimony lawyer can offer you world-class service, including representation in court, to get you the alimony agreement that works for you, not just for your spouse. 

When you’re ready to speak with a lawyer, we’re ready to help. Give us a call at 864-478-8324 or fill out the following online contact form.

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